Wednesday, 18 February 2009

A bad decision.

Last night, I decided to go running. This decision may or may not [!] be due to a conversation had with certain person last night, but that's beside the point entirely...

I managed to find my tracksuit bottoms languishing at the back of my wardrobe, looking somewhat crumpled, and eventually dug out a decent pair of trainers.
Excitedly [sad, I KNOW] planned my route, which incidentally was quite an unwise choice, but that will come later!
Set my alarm for 7 am, and went to bed quite cheerily.

Still awake.
Not even a sign of Wee Willie Winkie et al.

7am. Alarm rings. I turn around, turn it off, glare at it, and... go back to sleep, having forgotten entirely the whole purposeful "Ohhh, I'm gonna GO RUNNING =D" thing.

Later, was quite disappointed with my lack of determination [what's that about the spirit being willing, but the felsh being weak...?], so I made it all better.
By dressing up in my trackies etc, just to make me feel like I'd been out a run [did not work].
And for looking for running shoes on the internet [cannot afford].

Then about half 11, after having had a nice cup of lemon tea and vast quantities of toast, I decided that I wasn't going to be a pussy. I would, in fact, GO RUNNING.

Had a little gander at a running website [did not know such things existed?], which informed me that I should, being a novice runner, not run very far the first time. And that I should run on a flat surface.

But, being... y'know... ME, I disregarded this patronising advice and set out up a 2 mile hill. Rather unwisely, as I later discovered. While making my way up this Kilimanjaro-esque slope, I calculated that the incline was approximately 1 in 10. Ouch.

At the top of the hill, I flopped onto a park bench beside a little old lady in one of those motorised wheelchairs. I have the feeling that my grunting and gasping loudly like those women who play tennis may have freaked her out a bit. She vacated the scene fairly quickly, probably have concluded that a large pack of wolves with slavering jaws was pursuing me, and would soon gallop around the corner.

Having sat there for a few minutes and caught my breath, I proceeded to run down the hill again. All the way home. Which was considerably easier than uphill, I must admit.

All in all, a very rewarding pastime, but one probably best kept under cover of darkness...

Tuesday, 3 February 2009