Pictures taken on Gil's webcam from one of our marathon gossip/catch-up nights! This was late December, I think. Somehow, I don't think any of the pictures will make it to the front page of Vogue...
Honestly, I don't think there's anyone else who I can talk to for HOURS without either of stopping, and still not have time to cover everything! Haha!
Going to miss you SO much when you're swanning away off Deutschland, missus!!
Heh heh heh...
(my personal favourite! Hahahaha!!!! =]
And one non-warped one,
just to balance it out a little...
Toodleloo!!! xx
what wonderfully flattering photos! NOT!! haha - so true though, not enough hours in the day (or at least between trains) to cover half of what we have to say!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx